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Monday, May 18, 2015

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Before we get to the big news, did you see our April Top 10 post?  You can't win if you don't play!  Did you also read about our Design Team call?  (Have you sent in your application yet?  Time is running out!)

Now, on to our current news: this May challenge is quite catchy: Extra! Extra! Read All About it!  How will this theme inspire you?  Maybe you'll use a newsprint background.  Maybe you've got some big news to share?  Maybe you're inspired by a book.  You can take this challenge in so many different directions, and we can't wait to see YOUR interpretation.  Just remember to use something from Close To My Heart in your project, mention us in your project post, and link up with your direct URL to your project.

Our front page feature today is our guest designer Casandra.

We've also bringing you headlines from our Thistle Design Team.

Are you ready to be in the Heart 2 Heart news?  If so, take this or any of our May challenges!  (If you play along with every challenge this month, you'll be recognized as an H2H Addict, complete with a special blog badge!)  What are you waiting for?  News like this won't keep!  Hop to it!  You don't want to miss the scoop!

(Linkup closed)

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