Happy 2019! We are kicking off the year with the addition of some fabulous new Design Team members! We are always sorry to see friends leave (and thank them profusely for their service!) but on the other hand are excited to welcome new faces.
Hi I’m Lauren, a mum of two boys from New Zealand. Crafting is my happy place but when I’m not in my craft room you can find me bushwalking, hanging out with my boys or participating in musical theatre- all of which make great scrapbook layouts for me to create! Welcome back, Lauren!
Cat Nowack is also no stranger to Heart2Heart!
My name is Catherine “Cat” Nowak. I live in Arvada, CO with my husband, son and two rescue dogs. We moved to Colorado in 2014. Prior to that we lived in Washington state for almost 10 years and Louisiana where I spent most of my life. I became a stay at home mom when my son was born in 2011, and retired from my profession as a Veterinarian.
I am an avid crafter ever since I was young. I started scrapbooking back in the 1980’s before I knew scrapbooking was a real thing. In 2001, I became addicted after wondering into my first scrapbook store. I have never looked back.
In 2012, I became a Close to My Heart Consultant so that I could share my love of crafting with others. I started hosting regular workshops in my home. In 2014, I became a member of the Design Team for Color My Heart and still serve on. I am looking forward to joining Heart 2 Heart so that I can challenge myself and inspire others.
Danielle Wagner is another great addition to our H2H family. She shares:
Hello my name is Danielle. I live in Ohio, where we have three seasons, winter, spring and construction! My husband and I celebrated 7 years of marriage this past summer, but it took him over 10 years for me to say yes to a date! He has one amazing son who has just become a teenager, together we have three beautiful children that range from 6 to 1.
In high school, my aunt purchased a big box store scrapbooking kit as Christmas gift. Since then I have created over 50 albums for family, friends, and my children. In 2004, my parents saw a CTMH idea book at an Art show and picked it up for me. I held on to that book for 1- years, C.A.S.E. the layouts and cards over and over. Ten years- and many supplies later= I decided to become a consultant. The last 5 years have been so much fun, and I have learned so much. I cannot wait to share my artwork and more with you!
Please join me in welcome our new team members!