If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, April 24, 2017

InLinkz Resolved

If you were looking for an April link up and couldn't find it, please try again now.  We had a few issues with InLinkz & Paypal that should be resolved now.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  Thanks for your patience!

Our April challenges are

Please join us this month!  You have until the 30th to participate.

All Creatures Great and Small

How fun on my first time hosting Heart 2 Heart to be able to challenge you to create a project highlighting one of earth's wonderful creatures. From insects to elephants and even Homo Sapiens, there are all sort of possibilities at CTMH for creating wonderful paper projects that illustrate this week's theme, All Creatures Great and Small.  To inspire you, the design team has come up with these projects:

Alyson Burr Mayo
Jenifer Beasley Benner

Laurie Leverson

Sue Reynolds

Sue Bruch

Brandi R - crzy4scrapbooking

We on the design team are so inspired by all your wonderful creations and hope you will share your project showing one of your favorite creatures. You have until April 30th to submit your projects for this and all the other April challenges.

Link up your projects here!

1. DebiB  3. Haley D. {D.T.}  5. Steffi H.  
2. C  4. Jody Gustafson  6. Marie Flayer  

(Linkup closed)

Monday, April 17, 2017

What a Wonderful World

The challenge theme this week at Heart 2 Heart Challenges is What a Wonderful World.    Are you all singing the infamous song by Louis Armstrong now?

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
But they're really saying I love you.

I hear baby's cry, and watched them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The design team has come up with great artwork to share.

No automatic alt text available.

Please join us with your "What a Wonderful World" by clicking on the link and adding your project. You have all month to play - we can't wait to see your project.  Thanks for helping us make this a wonderful, crafty world!  You have until the end of the month to participate in any of the April challenges- just scroll down to find them.

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

March - Addicts, Darlings and Sweetheart

We loved seeing all of your amazing creations 
Thanks for sharing with us and being part of our challenges

As always, we want to recognize our "perfect attendance" participants who entered a submission to every challenge of the month. Thank you so much for your participation. 

Jody Gustafson
Laurel S
Marie Flayer
Jen Rubio
Tracey Pierce
Vickie O'Dell

WOW...This past month we had 6 participants for the H2H Perfect Attendance - Grab your Addict Badge here and post it proudly on your Blog.  Thank you for joining us each week in March!  We love what you shared.    

Remember you can go back to any theme in April and still enter a project up to the last day of the month and earn this badge. New H2H Themes announced every Monday and can usually be combined with other challenges...Let's see how many of you will become an April Addict. 

If you missed the 1st AprilChallenge "April Showers" click HERE.

Our current 2nd challenge "Whims-ical" is HERE.






Darlings...be sure to display your H2H blog badge proudly!

OUR MARCH SWEETHEART is the talented...

APRIL - Addicts, Darlings and Sweethearts 
will be announced by the 15th

If you missed the 1st April challenge, click HERE
still time to create, submit and earn 
the Perfect Attendance "Addict" Award

Monday, April 10, 2017


It is time to get Whimsical with Heart 2 Heart! We want to see your whimsical projects! What do we consider whimsical....could be anything you find to be whimsical or funny, it could also be the CTMH Whimsy colour palette or paper pack. We love that this theme could mean so many different things to different people and we cant wait to see what all you bring u.

Alyson Mayo

Jennifer Benner

Laurie Levorson

Sue Bruch

Suzanne Reynolds

Now is your turn to show us what you have for a whimsy-cal project. We cant wait to see what everyone comes up with. Enter below. Challenge runs through the end of the month so you have plenty of time to get a project together for us!

The H2H Design Team!!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, April 3, 2017

April Showers

As the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers" which also includes sunshine, warmth, and beautiful scents.

We are thrilled to come to you this week with the Heart to Heart Challenge, "April Showers". It is our first challenge of April with more fun themes to come!

Link up to this week's challenge by creating artwork aligned with the theme while incorporating Close To My Heart products.

Some of our Design Team members have shared their artwork creations with you.

Haley Dyer

You can participate in this challenge all month long. If your use of Close To My Heart products is not obvious, please include that information in your post.

We look forward to you sharing your creativity!

Have a wonderful week!
(Linkup closed)