If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

February's Top 10, Addicts, and Top Chick

Have you been waiting for this post?!?  We aren't sure where the month of March has gone, but it has definitely been filled with some crazy MaRcH mAdNeSs!  (I have to apologize for not getting our February winners posted in a timely manner.)

Our ADDICTS are the wonderful people who participated in every single challenge for the month.  Congrats to...

Be sure to grab your updated badges from the sidebar of our blog!

Now, it's time to share our 10 favorites from February (and you have no idea how difficult it is to choose from all the beauties submitted!):

Home Is Where the Heart Is:
{No Photo Available}

Love, CTMH Style:


Think Pink:

Our February Heart 2 Heart sweetheart (AKA our Top Chick) is...




Winners, be sure to grab your blog badges from our sidebar.  Thank you all for participating!  Have you played along with our March challenges?  You only have a few days left to get your submissions in.  Happy crafting!

Monday, March 23, 2015

How Cute!

It is time for another March challenge, so we're asking you to show us something CUTE!  It could be a spring chick, a new baby, your adorable fur baby, or anything that you think is CUTE!  (By the way, a lot of your March challenge submissions are cute too.  We thank you for playing along with us week after week.)

Our Team Thistle has some cute creations to share with you!


Are you ready to get your cute on?  Show off something adorable and link up to us right here!  You have until the end of the month to play along with any of our March challenges, so what are you waiting for?

(Linkup closed)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Green With Envy

Welcome back for another great Heart 2 Heart challenge!  We are loving what you're throwing down this month!  But... you don't need to be Green With Envy when you see these awesome projects. With Saint Patrick's Day tomorrow, green is the word and we want to see your take. Use your favorite Close To My Heart green.
What green with envy project will you make?

Our wonderful guest designer Patti will start you out for this challenge


And our Design Team






So we would love to see green projects. You have all month to play along.

(Linkup closed)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Your Favorite Sketch

Sometimes even the most creative paper crafter needs a blueprint. That's when sketches are so helpful. A scrapbooker may use a sketch when she wants to cram a lot of photos onto a layout. Or a card maker when she wants a fresh look for her greetings.

Close To My Heart has many pattern books filled with ideas. The best part is you don't have to make your project identical. Use the parts you like or that work with your photos, stamps or embellishments.

Our Design Team members share their favorite sketches this week:

March Guest Designer Patti has two awesome creations to share!

Brandi Robinson

Alyson Mayo

Lauren Moore

Haley Dyer

Cynthia McCloud

Here are some sketches to get you started:
Close To My Heart inspiration

We can't wait to see how you take a sketch and make it your own this week! Remember, you have all month to post your projects to each of the challenges.

(Linkup closed)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Opposites Attract

Welcome to a whole new month of challenges at Heart2Heart! Thank you to everyone for playing along with us in February - we love to see all of your creative projects! Today our theme is Opposites Attract. How will you design your project? We can't wait to see what you come up with, but for now, check out some fabulous inspiration from our March guest designer and Team Canary:

March Guest Designer
Patti Rowe
We're excited to have Patti joining us this month, so please give her a warm welcome in the comments section and/or visit her blog (click on her image).  Patti shares:
I love all things crafty but I'm especially fond of paper crafting because you can complete a great project from start to finish in such a short amount time. I've been in the financial industry over 30 years and  a Close to my Heart consultant for 17. My life has been incredibly enriched by the friendships that I have made through sharing this creative endeavor. 
Team Canary


Remember, you have all month to link up with any of our March challenges!  This first one is just the beginning. Looking forward to seeing you in the gallery :)