If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, March 25, 2013

We're so Egg-Cited for Easter!

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail.  Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way....

Easter is early this year, Sunday 31 March so its time to get hopping on your projects, gather supplies into your crafting basket and hatch some fun Easter projects with us this week because we are SO EGG-CITED for EASTER!   Our Design Team broke out the bright spring colors, the bunnies, the chicks and the eggs to help you catch the EGG-CITEMENT too!  

What a fabulous way to close out our March Madness contest here at Heart2Heart Challenges - see below for more information!

Don't miss your last chance at March Madness!   We have some great prizes this month including one for non-consultant first time players - just follow the rules and leave us a comment letting us know its your first time playing along with us.  We will randomly select a winner.

We will also have additional prizes for a Close To My Heart consultant and non-consultant who participates the most this month.  Just add a number to your name for each entry this month - if its my fourth link up to a challenge I'd put "Paige D #4" as my name on the entry.

Don't forget to visit our Design Team members at their blogs too because some of them may be offering prizes at their sites as well!

Heart2Heart Challenges Rules:
  1. Use Close To My Heart products.  Your project doesn't have to be 100% CTMH, but you must use some.  After all, this is a challenge blog created and sponsored by CTMH consultants.
  2. Incorporate this week's challenge...So Egg-Cited for Easter!
  3. Link your project back to Heart 2 Heart from your blog or online gallery.  If you are linking from a blog, you must link directly to the actual post, not your entire blog.
  4. You also need to mention Heart 2 Heart (H2H) in your blog post.  
  5. Finally, we ask that you consider turning off word verification, as it makes it easier for the design team (and others) to leave comments.
So now you have all the details and can get started hatching up some fun!  We can't wait to see what YOU create!  

(Linkup closed)


Haley D. said...

Great inspiration, DT! I'm ready for spring!

Becca-expressions said...

Lovely Spring cards. Now, if you could just do somethin about this weather! LOL!

Forgot to post my number. Non-consultant, and this is my 8th post to participate in March Madness.

Leslie Germain said...

These cards and projects are so adorable ladies. Love seeing all the talent and different creations.

Brittany M. said...

So excited for Spring - and Easter! This is my 5th entry as a new non-consultant participant this month. I'm so excited to play along with everyone!

CG said...

Thanks for a fun month full of challenges & DT inspiration! I enjoyed all the challenges. Best, CG