If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Seasons Change!

It is official...Spring is here!  Here's hoping you are seeing signs of Spring in your neighborhood!

This week we are talking about the change in seasons.  What does this mean to you?  It can be the obvious beginning of Spring with Easter and other associated events (sports, vacations, etc.) Or it might be a four seasons type of project.  We at Heart 2 Heart are anxious to see how you interpret this theme and hope that you will link your project.  You have until the end of the month to do so...just remember to use at least one Close to My Heart project.

Now, please take a look at the inspiration from our Design Team!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, March 18, 2019


You can't really make beautiful things without tools. We always dream about the perfect paper, the perfect stamp or the perfect color...but how about the perfect tool? What is that one tool that you just cannot seem to live without? What is the tool that is your go to?

This week at Heart 2 Heart we thought we would feature our Favorite Tool

Make sure you stop by each DT members blog to find out what their favorite tool it and please link up below and let us know what your favorite tool is!

Happy Crafting

(Linkup closed)

Monday, March 11, 2019

By the Numbers

Welcome to another fun and exciting challenge!!!  This year Close to My Heart is celebrating 35 years of creativity!!! How awesome is that??!!  So, we thought it would be fun to celebrate by letting Numbers be the focus of your creativity with this challenge.  

To play along with us, as we love to see your inspirations. Simply use the link at the bottom of this post and be sure to use some CTMH product in your creation!

To start your creative minds rolling here is what our design team created.

Did that get your creative juices flowing? Be sure to stop by each of the design team’s blogs as you will always find great information about her fun creation! Feel free to leave them some love, too!

Use the link up below to share your artwork with us! You have until the end of the month to create something fun and share!

(Linkup closed)

Sunday, March 10, 2019

February Darlings

February Winners - Addicts, Darlings and Sweetheart

We loved seeing all of your amazing February creations! Thanks for sharing with us and being part of our challenges. We love how YOU inspire us!

PERFECT ATTENDANCE BADGE:  This month we had two wonderful fans awarded the H2H Perfect Attendance Award for participating in each challenge of the month. A big bravo to the Tracey Pierce and Rebecca C we are always so happy when you join us!!!

Become a March Addict...
Don't forget you can go back to any theme in the current month and still enter a project up to the last day to earn this badge. New H2H themes are announced every Monday and can usually be combined with other challenges.  Please invite and encourage your friends to participate.  We love seeing what you create! (See current challenges at bottom.)

Let us see how many of you will become a future Perfect Attendance Addict for March!

Favorite Recipe 

Rebecca C

Tracey Pierce

I Heart Us 
Miss Carrie's Creations

Jody Gustafson or Allie

Rebecca C

Invitation Only
Tracey Pierce

Jody Gustafson

Rebecca C

Tracey Pierce

Jody Gustafson

Marie Flayer

We are very excited to see some new names and some "old" friends in the Top 10!!!!!
Darlings...be sure to display your H2H blog badge proudly!

OUR FEBRUARY SWEETHEART is the amazingly talented...

Congratulations to all of our winners!!

Our March Addicts, Darlings and Sweethearts will be announced by the 15th of the next month.

Our current February challenges are still open...

The Wearin' o' the Green

with more to come each Monday!

Remember, if you aspire to seeing your name in our Winners post, then you have to play!  (Honestly, we wish that we could feature more of your work!  Scroll through our InLinkz and leave your fellow H2H players a little love from time to time.)
Happy crafting from all of the H2H team!

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Wearin' o' the Green - 3 part challenge...

HAPPY MARCH, everyone! We have a very SPECIAL Challenge for you this week...we've partnered up with Double Trouble and are making this a 3-part challenge that is all about GREENS, RAINBOWS & POTS OF GOLD!

Let's see what our DT has come up with this week...

So...there are our tidbits of inspiration for you guys.

Here are some more details on the challenge...

THING 1: Trouble Maker says, "Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the wearin' o' the green!" Dress up your project with green as the primary color. It does not have to be a St. Patty's Day Card...celebrate any occasion.

THING 2: Double Dare dares you then you are eligible to link your project at Heart2Heart." and you will receive an additional chance at the Double Trouble Random Draw.

Don't stop here... consider Twisted Sister's optional twist.

THING 3: Twisted Sister says "Good ole St. Paddy's day is all about finding the Pot o' Gold... be it in a pint o' beer or at the end of a rainbow include a "golden touch" on your project for an added chance at our random draw.

This is an OPTIONAL TWIST but you will be awarded an additional chance in Double Trouble's random prize draw if you include something gold. 

Be sure to link up below!  Thanks for joining H2H and Double Trouble!

(Linkup closed)