If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, August 27, 2018

For the Love of Crafting!

We all love crafting, right?  We wouldn't be reading this blog if we didn't!  Some of you may be die-hard paper crafters while others may also enjoy sewing, stitchery or painting.  It matters not...we will love seeing how you document this love.  You may want to create a layout showing your creations or your crafting friends.  You may also want to make a card with a crafting theme.  Just remember to use at least one Close to My Heart product and to link using the tool at the bottom of this post.

To provide inspiration, our design team is showing you these projects:


You have until the end of the month- and that will be here before we know it!- to post.  We love seeing what you create!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, August 20, 2018

Cuteness Overload!

Welcome back to another Heart 2 Heart challenge!  This time we're challenging you to a Cuteness Overload!  It might be an adorable stamp, a new baby in the family, or a special family memory.  We can't wait to see how you interpret this fun theme!  Be sure to use some Close To My Heart products in your special, cute project!

Our design team has some lovely projects to inspire you!


So are you ready to show us your Cuteness Overload?  We can't wait to see what you create!

(Linkup closed)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

July Winners - Addicts, Darlings and Sweetheart

We loved seeing all of your amazing
July creations! 
Thanks for sharing with us and being part of our challenges.  We love how YOU inspire us!

PERFECT ATTENDANCE BADGE:  This past month we had two participants awarded  the H2H Perfect Attendance. Congratulations and High 5 to:

August entrants...you can go back to any theme in the current month and still enter a project up to the last day to earn this badge. New H2H Themes announced every Monday and can usually be combined with other challenges...  Please invite and encourage your friends to participate.  We love seeing what you create!

(See current challenges at bottom.)

Let's see how many of you will become a future 
Perfect Attendance Addict for August! 


Fresh Air Fun

Christmas in July 

Anything Goes 

Super Heros

We are very excited to see some new names 
and some "old" friends in the Top 10!!!!!
Darlings...be sure to display your H2H blog badge proudly!

OUR JULY SWEETHEART is the amazingly talented...

Congratulations, Lauren !!

August - Addicts, Darlings and Sweethearts 
will be announced by the 15th of the next month.

Our current Aug challenges are...
and more to come each Monday! 

Remember, if you aspire to seeing your name in our Winners post, then you have to play!  (Honestly, we wish that we could feature more of your work!  Scroll through our InLinkz and leave your fellow H2H players a little love from time to time.)  
Happy crafting!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Heavy Metal Challenge

Hello, Crafty Friends!

Welcome to another challenge at Heart 2 Heart!  We are loving what you are sharing with us this month!  Thanks to everyone who reads the blog and especially those who step up to our challenges!  This week our challenge theme is HEAVY METAL.  Now this could be interpreted in many ways--metallic paper, metal embellishments, metallic embossing powder, gears and construction items or even heavy metal music!  Hopefully the Design Team projects should provide you some inspiration.  Please remember that you do need to use some Close To My Heart products on your artwork.

You have until August 31 to submit your HEAVY METAL artwork.  And don't forget about our other current August challenges--Duly Noted and Lovely Layers.  We can't wait to see what you create!
(Linkup closed)

Monday, August 6, 2018

Lovely Layers with H2H...

Happy Monday, everyone! We hope you had a WONDERFUL weekend!

This week we are challenging you to show us your layers...whether that be layered paper, stamps, embellishments...the FUN thing about challenges is that YOU get to call the shots so show us what you got!

Let's take a look at what our Design Tembers have made to INSPIRE you...

We would LOVE for you to play along with us...simply create your "lovely layers" project using CTMH product and come back here and post your project below. You have until the end of the month to play along!

(Linkup closed)

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Welcome Our New Design Team Members!

Please join us in welcoming two new talented artists to our H2H Design Team!

My name is Amy Pitts from DeKalb IL.  My husband Kenny and I are the modern day Brady Bunch: he had 2 sons and 1 daughter and I have 3 daughters so now we have 6 kids among us. Only my youngest lives with us as all the rest of them are adults. Our two oldest children both have families of their own so we also have 5 grandchildren. Lots of great memories to scrapbook and lots of reasons to send out cards on a regular basis!

I have been artsy my whole life but in 1995 I discovered scrapbooking and instantly fell in love and soon after stamping, making cards was instant gratification and who doesn't love getting happy mail? I never looked back and eventually spent most of my spare time making pretty things. I also enjoy making ABC items (anything but a card), home decor items, and decorating planners. Basically I just love pape rcrafts!!

My name is Michelle Johns, and I live in Vancouver, WA, with my fantastic husband of almost 25 years.  Together we have four kids ranging from 15 to 24.  I work outside of the home for a small company about 30 hours a week.

I have always loved to be crafty.  I remember painting salt ornaments each Christmas with my mom, drawing things for years, and wanting to scrapbook from the time I was in high school.  I knew I couldn't afford it then, or have the space for it, so I kept turning away from it.  After some time, I found that I could do my scrapbooking digitally, and I loved it!  I was able to use the same stuff over and over again, and it made me happy.  One day, one of my friends asked if I wanted to join a card making group that met monthly, and I said SURE!  It was a lot of fun, and I *almost* signed up to be a consultant for that company.  I was talking to another friend about it, and she asked if I had heard of CTMH before.  My reply was that I had no idea what those letters stood for, so .  . no.  She told me to look them up.  As soon as I saw that they were clear stamps, I was SOLD!  I didn't even have to use them to know that THAT was the company I wanted to sign up for!  That was more than 10 years ago, and I have been happily stamping with my CTMH products ever since!

You can find me online in these places:

Welcome, Amy and Michelle!  We're so glad to have you as part of our design team!