If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Falling in Love

As we are approaching the most romantic month of the calendar...February... we at Heart 2 Heart are all about Falling in Love so we made that our challenge theme this week. What are you falling in love with? Is it your family, a new puppy, a new baby, or is it the newest gadget, tool or toy? Are you newly engaged, married or just a hopeless romantic looking forward to Valentine's Day? What ever you are falling in love with, we want to know about it!

This challenge will be our first February challenge, since we know there really isn't enough time to get something made by the end of January (tomorrow).  Don't let our calendar fool you!

Our Design Team has been busy working to provide you with some ideas and inspiration!

Allyson Mayo
Brandi R - crzy4scrapbooking

Laurie Levorson

Sue Bruch

Suzanne Reynolds
We would love to have you play along with us and share your creations. To join our challenge, simply link your project up by clicking the blue linky button below! We can't wait to see what great designs you come up with!  You have until the end of February to join us in this romantic challenge.

(Linkup closed)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Round & Round

We're going to go round and round this week at Heart 2 Heart Challenges.  The challenge is open to your interpretation of what this means.

My head is going around and around with ideas for this challenge.  Think of circles, amusement park rides, a spinning dog, or a big ole snowman!!!  

Here are the design teams projects.

We hope you'll join us and link up your project.  You have until the end of the month to participate in any of the January challenges.

(Linkup closed)

Monday, January 16, 2017

Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Welcome back to another challenge at Heart 2 Heart!  We are loving what you're already submitting for January!  Now, Cold Hands, Warm Heart... perhaps you think of warming your hands in front of a fire after a cold day outdoors, or of skiing down a mountain with the warmth of hot chocolate awaiting you back at the chalet. Maybe this title means something totally different - cold vs warm colour combinations or maybe something else we haven't even considered. That's the wonderful thing about theme challenges - you can interpret them in SO many different ways!

Just a few reminders when you enter our challenges
  • Make sure to use at least some Close to My Heart products in your project. If it is not evident, please show a list of the products you used. 
  • Be sure your link leads directly to your post and not to your general blog. 
  • Finally, please mention and link directly back to this site in your post. 

Now - let's take a look at how the design team interpreted "Cold Hands, Warm Heart".

You have the entire month of January to enter this or any of the January challenges. What are you waiting for?  Happy creating! 

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

December Darlings!

With the incredibly busy holiday season, Heart2Heart only threw down two challenges.  (We are back to our regular schedule in the new year.)  If you have never participated yet visit our blog, I challenge you personally to make 2017 the year that you play.  What have you go to lose?  You could end up right here in the winners' circle!

As always, we want to recognize our "perfect attendance" participants who entered a submission to every challenge of the month.  Thanks and congrats to...

*I Luv Scrappin Too
*Artsy April

If you're a regular H2H watcher (stalker?), then you've probably realized that one particular blogger has been in the Addict recognition every single month this year.  That's right, Sue at I Luv Scrappin Too has completed every single challenge of 2016!!!  In honor of that accomplishment, we have invited her to be a part of our design team in 2017.  Thanks, Sue!

Our December Darlings are...
Sketch Challenge:


Oh, Deer!
I Luv Scrappin Too

Be sure to display your H2H blog badge proudly!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Season of White

Many experienced some "white" these last few days in the way of snow, perfectly aligned with our theme for this week, "Season of White."  This challenge doesn't have to be a frosty one, however.  Maybe your Season of White involves a white wedding gown?  Or a baby's baptism?

View artwork from members of our Design Team that are sure to serve as a point of inspiration and then be sure to link up at the bottom of this post.  You have all month to play along with any of our January challenges (and we love what we're seeing so far)!

Haley Dyer

Show us how you interpret "Season of White" in your artwork creations, being sure to incorporate Close To My Heart products when you do. We look forward to being inspired!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, January 2, 2017

Silver and Gold

The Heart2Heart Design Team is back and better than ever with our first 2017 challenge: Silver and Gold!  We hope you'll join us this year!  We host a new challenge every Monday, and challenges are open until the end of the month.  Playing is easy:

  1. Create a project that fits our theme for the week.  Using Close To My Heart products is required (but does not have to be limited to CTMH only).
  2. Post your project on your blog or some other public forum.  (We can't always see/comment on your Facebook or Flickr posts, so make sure your work is public.)
  3. Mention Heart2Heart in your post about your project.
  4. Come back to our blog and join in the InLinkz with the deep URL of your post before the challenge expires. (We have a little tutorial in our sidebar.)  If you only include your blog address, we may not be able to find your actual work.
Now are you ready for our new Design Team to inspire you?  Here are our Silver and Gold creations.
Our newest DT member, Sue B.

Jennifer K.
Jenifer B.

As you can see, there are so many different ways that you can interpret this challenge!  You have until January 31 to enter, and we are hoping to set a record with the number of players we get.  Spread the word, spread the love, and share some silver and gold!  Happy 2017!

(Linkup closed)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year, New DT

Happy 2017!!!  Our New Zealand fans were the first to ring in the new year, and I loved all the pictures I saw on TV and on Facebook.  With the new year, we have some new challenge ideas and some new faces.

Before we introduce our newest team member, please join me in thanking Heather Jane and Shirley for all their work and dedication here at H2H.  We wish you the very best and hope you'll be able to come back and play sometime!

Now meet Sue Bruch, our latest and greatest!  Sue writes:
I am a retired RN.  My husband and I have three grown children and five grandchildren.  We live on a farm and he is still an active farmer.  He and I love to travel and do so every chance we get!  I have been a CTMH consultant for nearly 10 years.  I have been mainly a hobbyist, but do teach some classes.  I am very happy to be selected to be on this design team and look forward to creating along with some very talented ladies.

Welcome, Sue!