First and foremost, thank you to everyone who visits and plays along here at Heart 2 Heart! Time really slipped away from me because I thought we had posted the October winners last month! (Obviously I need a New Year's resolution to get these posted in a more timely manner!)
As always, we want to recognize the players who completed each of the October challenges. Congratulations (and lots of appreciation) to awesome ADDICTS...
* I Luv Scrapping Too
* Sheila's Stamping Stuff
We had four themes in October, so here are our H2H Darlings from each week.
Perfect 10
Jeepers Creepers
Our most difficult decision is always choosing our Heart 2 Heart Sweetheart. Our October selection is...
Congratulations to all our winners! We will be announcing our November winners soon, and there is still time to play in our December challenges.