LaJeania Hicks says, "I started scrapbooking over 17 years ago. My love for papercrafting first began at a home gathering shortly after our youngest son was born. I scrapbooked on and off for about 10 years, then a friend invited me to a Close To My Heart home gathering about 7 years ago. I remember sitting there saying, I like the papers, but stamping just isn't for me. Well, the consultant gently pushed me into giving it a try and I must say, I was hooked immediately! I left that night with a renewed passion for papercrafting. I joined a club and began scrapbooking as often as possible. About six months later, our consultant told us she was moving out of state. After another gentle push, I was convinced to sign up to be a consultant. In January I will have been a consultant for 6 years and it has truly changed my life. I have met the most talented group of ladies and had opportunities that I could have never imagined. I host a monthly scrapbooking class and teach cardmaking classes. I am inspired every week by the challenges at Heart 2 Heart, and I am thrilled to be a part of the design team."
"Hi there, I'm Jen Patrick from Fresno CA. I have been married to my best friend, a high school baseball coach for 12 years. We have an 8--year-old sporty boy and sweet & sassy 5-year-old girl. We also have two crazy labradors- Roxy & Bonds. In my spare time I'm a full time physical education teacher.
I was introduced to Close To My Heart 7 years ago and I had to have it all. It didn't take me long to join and it's been a FUN journey so far! I'm the proud Director of the Roxybonds Scrappers Team. CTMH has brought me new friends both in customers, sister consultants and my amazing team. CTMH has also allowed me to travel to places I may have never been able to go to otherwise- like Washington DC, Dallas, Disneyworld all for conventions, Utah for events, a cruise to the South Caribbean and upcoming trip to Costa Rica. CTMH has blessed my life in so many ways!
"Scrapbooking is my passion; but I partake in all kinds of paper crafting, including card making and home decor items. I craft whenever I can! I just love to share it with others, whether teaching classes, holding workshops or doing home gatherings!
"I'm thrilled to be a part of the H2H team in 2014 and cannot wait to share artwork and connect with you all!"
Brandi Robinson says, "I have been scrapbooking for 10 years and that obsession led to my card making and general paper crafting passions. I have plenty of inspiration with 3 adorable little girls and a husband who totally supports my obsession and does not make to much fun of me! I live in Ontario, Canada and have been a Close to my Heart consultant for 5 years. Heart 2 Heart is my second design team, I am currently also on the Design Team for Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge."
"Hi...I'm Debbie Reed. I live in the state of Minnesota. I've been married for 27 years and we have two adult children ages 25 and 21. I love to sew and I have always loved doing crafts...I have all of my life, from first learning how to knit as a young girl, to my mom teaching me how to crochet. From there it just bloomed :-) I really like trying new, different craft projects. I became a CTMH consultant last May. I absolutely love it!
In my opinion, no other products compare to the quality, variety and beauty of CTMH. I enjoy helping others explore their creativity and discover just what they can do. I am so excited to be a part of the H2H design team for the first part of the new year!"
and our "Scrapbook Captain," S'andra VanWoerden:
"Hello everyone, So excited to be here with H2H Scrapbooking and hope you have fun creating and crafting as we preserve those precious moments we have frozen in time. Yep, It's time to have some fun scrapbooking and enjoying life in 2014. Hope you'll join me and share your creative juices with us.
"My journey as a crafter started many many years ago. I have delved into many aspects of art, from drawing to crocheting to painting. Love them all. Not as much as Scrapbooking. Scrapbooking became a part of my life 20+ years ago as I was invited to a picture party. (had not a clue as to what I was getting into) LOL!!!
Scrapbooking stayed and has been a source of enjoyment as well as therapy for me when my SLE takes over. Scrapbooking with paper and pics was a huge part of my early years. Then, 7 years ago I was introduced to stamping/inking with CTMH...May I just say, my creative juices really started flowing and Scrapbooking reached a much higher level than I could have ever imagined. Naturally one thing led to another and I became a consultant three years ago. Have loved every minute of it and my family knows, when I'm in a major creating mood....they are on their own...LOL!!!
Over the years I have learned not to get so caught up on how I am creating my Layouts or Scrapbooks but more importantly, that I enjoy and have fun doing it. I seem to be a mood scrapbooker... layouts take on what I feel like at that particular moment. No chronological order or special event based project. Though, sometimes I may try to start with a plan, sketch, or idea, I find my creations take on a life of their own. What's that saying? "It's not what you choose to do when PLAN A bombs, but how you choose to go on to PLAN B and let life happen." I apply this to my scrapbooking and it has worked well for me.
"I have a very loving and craft minded understanding husband of 25 years. He's even crafted with me a few times and seemed to grasp the understanding of why it's so important to me. I have two grown daughters and a grandson who is the light of my life these days. You'll get to meet them as we create over the next 6 months together.
Once again, I can't wait to get to play and visit your blogs each month. So come join us and lets have some creative fun. 
Happy Creating~S`andra V. Please join me in giving our new Design Team members a very warm welcome!