If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Make A Scene for H2H This Week

It's H2H Team Twilight's turn this week and we are excited to have you join us to "Make A Scene". It's up to YOU how you interpret this theme, and we are looking forward to seeing your creativity. Will you choose peaceful and serene, playful, dramatic, or something different?  We do ask that you use mostly Close To My Heart products (stamps, inks, papers, Cricut cartridges, etc.) on your entry--if you don't we'll have to banish your entry to the neverlands of cyberspace.  (You won't be "banished" if you use other products as accents but we do require that you use some CTMH products!).  Unfortunately last week we did have to delete 4 entries.  We would like you to have FUN with this challenge and post your entry by 11 PM August 31.  Please remember to leave a link back to H2H so others can find us too!

Our August Guest Designer:  La Jeania Hicks--Scrap Til You Drop

Design Team Members:

Carol~Scramping With Carol

Brittany~Levels of Light

Haley~Inky Scrapper

Now it's your turn to inspire us with your interpretation of "Make A Scene".  You can also enter the other August 2013 by the end of the month to be eligible to be selected as Top Chick or weekly winners.  Our Design Team and Guest Designer love it when you can make the time to leave them comments.

(Linkup closed)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sing a little Song for me....

This week at H2H we've been humming...and singing...and dancing...and laughing at all the ideas we've come up with for this week's challenge! 
We want you to show us something musical and our Guest Designer for this month and Team Sunset have come up with a few projects to get you going!
Let's get this party started riiiiiiight...(pun INTENDED!!!)

Don't forget to turn you radio up and get those tunes to goin' and those fingers to workin'.
You can link up here 'till the end of the month!  We can't wait to see what you come up with!

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

July's H2H Addicts, Top 10, and Top Chick

It is my goal to publish the Top 10 on the 10th of the month, but with school starting back for me, I am running behind.  Never fear, however, because the honors are here!  The H2H DT loves checking out your amazing projects and your creative twists on our challenges.  Of course, your talent makes it so hard to narrow down our favorites! (It's almost like having to choose your favorite child... but way more fun!)

Okay, enough about how YOU challenge US.  Our talented August H2H Guest Designer, LaJeania Hicks, is the only participant who met each of our July challenges.  Congrats and thank you, LaJeania!  We hope that you don't find a cure for your H2H "addiction."

With five challenges this month, we could only choose two favorites from each challenge.  Talk about difficult!  Here they are...
Masking technique challenge:

Mix & Mingle:

Ice Cream:

Water, Water:


July 2013 is the first month in my history with H2H that we have had THREE people make it in the Top 10 TWICE in the same month!  Let me tell you, the selection of the Top Chick was a difficult process.  Please know that each and every one of you are winners in our minds!  The July Top Chick is...




Congrats to our Addicts, our Top 10, our Top Chick Wendy, and all the H2H players!  Winners, be sure to snag your H2H badges and display them with pride.  Thank you for joining us each week and each month.  We can't wait to see what August continues to bring here @ H2H!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sentiment-ally Yours

Happy Monday everyone, it is a start of a new week and a new challenge at H2H. This week we challenge you to make the SENTIMENT the focus of your project.

And Team Twilight's twist on the challenge this weeks looks a little like this.......

Don't forget to read the guidelines at the top left and use the 'linky tool' below with a link that goes DIRECTLY TO YOUR H2H CHALLENGE POST!  You must use some CTMH products in your project or your link will be deleted.  Thanks for understanding!  You have until 8/31 to play along with all of our August challenges.
(Linkup closed)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bon Voyage Challenge

I've always loved the phrase bon voyage or good journey because it's full of the promise of adventure, fresh starts and exploration. Today we are dedicating this challenge to our newest members of the Close to my Heart sisterhood, the new consultants in Australia and New Zealand. We wish you all buckets of creativity and a joyous start on your new adventure as Close to my Heart consultants and want to give you a warm welcome and invitation to participate in our challenges!

For this week's Bon Voyage challenge create a project that reflects your interpretation of "good journey".  Maybe for your it will be a layout reflecting a recent trip, a card wishing someone good luck on their new job or a graduation card for the kid about to start college and a new chapter in their life.  However you interpret this challenge, we'd love to see your creativity shine - after all for many of us creativity is a necessary part of our own good journey!  Please be sure to include some Close to my Heart products in your project so your linky stays live!

Our Sunset Team is sharing their interpretation of the Bon Voyage theme below starting with our new Guest Designer, LaJeania Hicks!

Remember, to participate in our challenges, please use some Close To My Heart products.  Bon voyage!

(Linkup closed)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Introducing our August Guest Designer

It's time to welcome our talented August Heart 2 Heart Guest Designer, LaJeania Hicks!
My name is LaJeania Hicks and I am from Texas. I have been married to my wonderful husband, James, for 22 years. We are both Special Education teachers at our local elementary school. We also have four amazing children: Nicholas, who is 21 years old and is a college student; Ryan is 20 and is a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps and is currently stationed in Washington DC; Jefferson is 17 and will be a high school senior this year; and our daughter Kendall is 6 years old and will be in first grade. As I am sure you can tell, we are very busy, but we are love our crazy, hectic life and wouldn’t change a thing! Our children and our students give us many picture-taking opportunities and I have the pleasure of preserving those memories through scrapbook pages. Almost 17 years ago, shortly after Jefferson was born, I was invited to a home gathering and asked to bring a few pictures. Well, by the time that Saturday afternoon was over, I was hooked! I knew that this would become my new hobby, but I did not realize what a big role it would play in my life. About 6 years ago, I was introduced to the Close To My Heart Scrapbooking Company and became an independent consultant. I currently teach scrapbooking and cardmaking classes monthly to an amazingly talented group of ladies. Scrapbooking not only allows me an outlet for my creativity, it has also given me the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people.

Thank you, LaJeania, for joining us this month! We can't wait to see how you tackle the August challenges. The first one will be brought to you this Monday. See you then!