

Monday, January 14, 2013

2nd January Challenge: Hot Cocoa!

Is there a chill in the air? How about some 'Hot Cocoa'? Well, that is our second challenge theme - a little Hot Cocoa.

Whether you share a cute cup of cocoa or a hot trendy Cocoa-color inspired creation, you will be right on target this week. Feel free to interpret our challenges how you like, but be sure to use CTMH products in your creation, mention H2H in your post, and then link directly to your project, not just your blog.  (See the sidebar if you need help with this.)  Also, you have until Feb. 2 to complete any and all of our January challenges, so get crafting this new year!

Here's what our January Guest Designer, Kim, has created. Now that is a hot cocoa trendy card.

This week is Team B's turn to share with you, and we look forward to visiting your blogs too.
Melinda Everitt
Jayma Malme

And me, Shirley

Now it's your turn to show us what you've got!  We hope Team B has given you some great ideas.  Please remember a few simple rules:
*Our challenges are open to everyone!
*To enter, follow the challenge of the week and post your results to your personal blog or other online gallery.
*Be sure to come back here and direct link to your challenge post so we can see your artwork!  (You can see our sidebar for some simple instructions.)
*In order to enter a challenge, you must use Close To My Heart products but your project does not have to be 100% CTMH.
*If you use something from another company, please consider including details in your project's description.
* You MUST mention H2H challenges in your blog post (and a link back to us would be appreciated).
*Spread the word about our challenge blog by including our badge on your blog.
*Most importantly, have fun creating - the Close To My Heart way!
Note: Any entries not following the above rules are subject to having their link removed.


  1. Beautiful artwork, ladies! Your hot cocoa creations are warming me right up!

  2. What a neat challenge. I love to see what everyone comes up with. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  3. Great artwork everyone!

  4. Team 'B' you rocked it out ladies!! Love all the beautiful artwork!

  5. Thaks for the beautiful inspiration Team B!

  6. What fabulous inspiration to go with! This one will be fun to figure out without a stamp! ;)

  7. Loved using my new papers for the first time with this challenge!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!