

Monday, July 11, 2016


TBW - It is throwback week at Heart 2 Heart challenges. Throwback to some of your long save, dearly loved retired Close to My Heart paper packs, embellishments, inks, ribbons or stamps. Or if you are like most paper crafters and hoarding those away for that very perfect project, you can link up an older project that you would love to share with us a second time, one of your classics and favourites....the older the better!

Here is what our design team has for you, to inspire you!

Suzanne Reynolds

Jenifer Benner

Lauren Moore

Laurie Levorson

Brandi R - crzy4scrapbooking
Angela White
Please join us, we would love to see your take on the Throwback theme. Please link up and share your work with us!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!