

Monday, July 22, 2013

Water, Water, Everywhere ....................

Hello everyone and thank you for joining us at H2H!  We love having you join us each week.  We have a great challenge for you this week.

Our challenge this week  is Water, Water, Everywhere. Use water - the ocean, a lake, or even a glass of water, as your inspiration  for your artwork.  I cannot wait to see what you come up with.  With summer so hot here in Memphis and with a lack of rain, I really enjoyed this challenge.

So are you ready to see our Design Team members' interpretations of our Water, Water, Everywhere Challenge to inspire you to join us in this challenge?  Please don't forget to click on the Design Team member's name under their creation to visit their blog and see additional photos and details and don't forget to leave them some love -- they just LOVE to read your comments:

Our Guest Design Team Member:

And Design Team Sunset:

Don't forget to read the guidelines at the top left and use the 'linky tool' below with a link that goes DIRECTLY TO YOUR H2H CHALLENGE POST!  You must use some CTMH products in your project or your link will be deleted.  Thanks for understanding!

Thanks for playing along...you'll have 'till the end of the month, July 31, to link up to ALL of the July challenges.  Thank you for participating in our Heart 2 Heart Challenge!


  1. Your projects are so fun! They make me want to head outside. I can't wait to see how our players interpret this challenge.

  2. This is the PERFECT summer Challenge. Thanks LADIES!!!!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!