

Thursday, August 9, 2012

July's Top Ten!

The new DT members have all submitted their choices for July's Top Ten and after compiling all of the information, I have the reslts to share with you all. Congrats to the following creators:

Patriotic challenge:

Line, Line, Circle, Square challenge:

Sketch challenge:

Water Fun challenge:

Scraps challenge:

And the "top chick" honors goes to .....

Brenda!!! Congratulations - you all inspire us!!

Thank you to everyone who plays along with our challenges - we enjoy checking out your artwork and we love your creativity! Keep it coming! A new challenge comes Monday!


  1. Woo Hoo! Top Ten for July. Thanks H2H, I am honored to be selected. Love the challenges, can't wait to see what's next!

  2. Congrats to all - fabulous work!

  3. Special thanks for all the positive feedback--and for all the fun and exciting challenges you provide throughout the year! :-) Hugs, Brenda F.

  4. Thank you o much for choosng me as a top ten! It such an honor to see that my CTMH sisters like my work. :)


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!