

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We are starting July off with a bang, this 4th of July day! We have new DT members, a new Guest DT and 2 new sponsors! Woohoo!! Let the fun begin!!

First off, I want to welcome our new sponsors and show you what goodies they have in store for 2 lucky July challenge participants. From S'andra VanWoerden, this package of crafty fun:

You can stop by and see S'andra at Oh My Scraps! and leave her a little love while you're there.

Also sponsoring our blog this month is Tonya Whitehurst who has this package of goodies:

Check out Tonya's blog, Heart and Soul Scrappers and say hello (and thank you!!) Our sponsors are truly appreciated so a BIG thank you to you both!!

Are you ready for a new challenge?? It's all about inspiration - take a look at this picture:

Click the photo for a larger image!

What inspires you about the photo? The fact that there are three panels? The colors? The items? The shapes? The flowers?

Take some inspiration from the photo and turn it into artwork that you create. Want to see how the photo inspired the DT? Let's start off with our Guest DT, Tracy:

Adorable layout Tracy! It looks like flowers from the photo inspired Tracy. Visit her blog to see more!

And now for the rest of the team - the first post for our new members!!

Awesome creations ladies! And what a variety from one inspiration photo!!

So let's see what you are inspired to create. A quick review of the rules:

1. You MUST use CTMH products although it doesn't have to be 100% CTMH.
2. You have all month to play along but must link up before the last Saturday of the month to be eligible for the prizes.
3. You MUST leave a direct link to the specific blog post with your artwork, not to your blog as a whole. To do this, create your post and publish it. Then click on the title of the post on your blog. This will take you to a page that shows ONLY that one post. This is the URL you need to copy and paste into Mister Linky (below).

Ok, ready to create? We can't wait to see your "take" on the photo. Have fun!!


  1. It has been so long since I have done any posting or linking I sure hope I did it right.

  2. This looks like a fun challenge. I love the colors. I will have to come up with something for this one.

  3. This challenge was hard for me

  4. Love the inspirational photo idea, Mary!

  5. Using white space is always a challenge for me!


  6. Another first for me - a picture for inspiration. This was hard for me, but I liked it. Thanks for the chance to do something really different.

  7. Really enjoyed this photo challenge. Thanks for the fun!

  8. This one was really tough - way out of my comfort zone!

  9. Ladies, it's exciting to see so many of you being pushed out of your comfort zone! Thanks so much for taking the challenge and playing along! If you haven't already given it a try, remember that you have until the end of the month. Happy papercrafting!

  10. I loved the colors in the inspiration photo. Great challenge.

  11. That photo is lovely! I can see going in so many directions with that! Thanks for the challenge!

  12. I am obsessed with waterfall cards this month and my latest fit the challenge, color wise, flowers and a triple window. lol

  13. I love the "different" type of challenge. It's fun to see where the same image can take many different people. Thanks for your hard work to keep the challenges fresh and exciting!

  14. What a great challenge to get back in the game with! Thanks again for the wonderful inspiration.

  15. This photograph was awesome. Lots to inspire. It took me right to my scrapbox full of all those colours. Thanks for the challenge.

  16. First time player here. Thanks for the opportunity and the great inspiration!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!