

Monday, April 26, 2010

Heart 2 Heart #4 Challenge

Welcome to another week of Heart 2 Heart Challenges! Hopefully you all saw the post below about our mini challenge at Facebook and Paper Craft Planet. If not, be sure to take a look!

Before getting to our challenge, I want to thank Diane Cook again for being this week's prize sponsor. We entered everyone into the number-chooser at Random.org and our winner is Tammy.  Tammy, please email me at mbryt1@bex.net so I can get your mailing information for Diane. Congratulations!!

This week, we are focusing on ribbon (my favorite embellishment!) The challenge is to add at least 2 different ribbons on your artwork. Here are the DT's gorgeous samples:

To find out more about these cards, click the creator's name to go to their blog.

Ready to join us this week? Dig out your ribbon and play along! Then come back here and link us to the specific page that you have your artwork posted on. If you don't have a blog, you can always use the gallery at Splitcoaststampers or create a Photobucket account (must be public so we can view it). And please link direct to where your artwork is - not your blog as a whole.

** Also, please do not load your artwork into a slideshow - it's too hard for us to look it over well when choosing our top five as it keeps changing slides. Thank you! **

When you're ready, link up below. Have fun getting friendly with your ribbon stash! There's no prize up for grabs this week but you might just be chosen for our Friday Five! We'll be back this Friday with the newest Friday Five list from the sketch challenge - see you then!


  1. My screen is not showing the winner of last week. There is a blank right before the period at the end of the sentence! Who won so I can congratulate that person?

  2. Sorry - the winner is now posted.

  3. So fun, thanks for the inspiration. I love the examples, you ladies are very creative.

  4. Ooooo....at least 2 ribbons, so I can use as many as I want?!?! This is the best challenge ever! I'm so excited to play this week, I can hardly wait. BTW - DT, the examples are awesome! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Sweet! I am the winner. I wasn't able to see it earlier either, I was just taking a minute to say how much I love the challenges. Thanks for bringing us a CTMH challenge blog!

  6. This blog is very fun! What a great idea! I just posted the link to a card I made this afternoon, using 3 ribbons! :-)

  7. You have inspired me ladies! I love, love, love my ribbon! The DT samples are gorgeous as are the 4 that have already linked up. Craft room, here I come!

  8. I am working on my project and hope to post tonight!

  9. Thanks for letting me play!

  10. Thank you for providing a blog where CTMH consultants and customers can view, participate, and enjoy the beautiful CTMH projects and cards.

  11. This is so much fun...I'm really enjoying playing along :)

  12. Yay! I finally got a challenge done on time! I love looking at everyone's beautiful work each week.

  13. I am really enjoying these challenges, the DT are great. mine is up.

  14. Beautiful projects everyone!!! Thanks for another great challenge!

  15. Finished my second card last night and posted it on my blog (with major upload difficulties as you will see if you look at my blog). Woke up this morning and realized I had forgotten to link it here! LOL!

  16. Wow, I'm amazed at everyone's creative take on the challenge! Very, very fun. :-)
    Good job, ladies!

  17. I am enjoying all the challenges so far and being brave enough to enter this week. So much inspiration here from some very talented ladies!

  18. Woohoo, better late than never. I had a busy week, but couldn't wait to sit down and play. I'm off to check out the other wonderful creations!

  19. Loved this contest! Sorry I had to post twice. The first one(being my 1st post ever in a contest) only has the link to my picture. The second has a link to it on my blog.

  20. I finally got brave enough to join in. I love ribbon and have sooooo much of it so this challenge was perfect. I ended up using 11 different ribbons on my card! LOL! *Ü*

  21. You gals keep coming up with fantastic challenges and then totally rock them! Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Well I finally got brave enough to try one of these challenges, though not my best work enjoy looking.

  23. I am so behind this week, finally got time to play along! On the other hand, I got a head start on my Mother's Day card! Another great challenge!

  24. Going to go check out everyone else's cards so I can get busy on my Mother's Day cards.


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!