

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Meet our September Guest DT!

Time for the changing of the guard - and time to meet a new Guest Design Team member! But first I want to thank our outgoing Guest DT, Debi! It's been great working with you and we have enjoyed your artwork so much!

Now please welcome our new Guest DT, Jane:

" Hi! I’m Jane Haas, aka Scrappy-Gram, from St Louis, Missouri, and I’ve been a CTMH consultant for the past three years.  When my hip 83-year-old mom took me to a Scrapping Buckeye Babes gathering led by Deb Butler in my hometown of Napoleon, Ohio, I got hooked! I had been scrapbooking for 20 plus years using a hodge-podge of materials, and had never before seen such a fun, fast, and simple way to do it! The MyAcrylix stamps opened my door to card-making--what a way to save money and get therapy! Now Deb is my amazing upline, and the 500-mile distance between us seems short with today’s technology. 

After five years of teaching children in early childhood classes in Lutheran schools, and then having two daughters, I transitioned into writing, editing, and designing curriculum for Concordia Publishing House. After retiring recently, I took a leap of faith to begin Jane Louise Photography as an on-location, lifestyle-photojournalist. Paper-crafting and photography are a natural combo and I love what I do, and I’m living testimony that “old dogs CAN learn new tricks!”
During 41 years of marriage, we’ve visited every state except Hawaii, a sprinkling of foreign countries, and DH and I have officially given up pup-tenting for cruising, saving on Aleve. One of my newest endeavors is creating faith-booked pages, leaving my witness to my Christian faith in memory books for our family.  Our grand-girls, Ella and Beatrice, are constant subjects in all my artsy efforts.

What an honor it is to be a GDT member for September! I can’t wait to see everyone’s creative efforts! Happy scrapping!"

We are looking forward to what Jane creates for us during the month!

See you Monday when we offer up a new challenge and a couple of new sponsors!


  1. Welcome, Jane! So glad you're joining us this month!

  2. Congratulations on being the Sept. Guest Designer and have a FUNN month!

  3. Jane,
    SO PROUD of you for this honor! I know you will WOW us all!

  4. Jane, So glad you're designing with us this month. Welcome aboard! Can't wait to see your awesome creations.


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!