

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's time to Hop, Hop, Hop!

This week is a From Our Heart to Yours challenge in which we, the Design Team, share something with all of our fabulous followers - and newcomers as well!

As Easter will end this week, we thought that a Bunny blog Hop would be a great thing to share with all of you!

Here are the details - in case you missed them. Your project MUST include Close To My Heart products (if it does not, it will be removed). It must also be Easter or Spring themed. You must link to your post below between the hours of 8 am EST and 8 pm EST TODAY ONLY! No other entries will be accepted through the week.

Then the fun begins - just hop around to all the links to see what everyone has created! And be sure to leave comments along the way cause who doesn't love comments???

You will want to check through out the day as more and more links are added. Spread the word - let's get as many people as we can playing along. One lucky player will be getting a prize too so everyone post and hip hop down the bloggy trail.

To kick us off, I have a fabulous easter card to share with your from our April Guest DT - Shari McLaskey:

I know! How awesome is that card?? Fabulous work Shari and thanks for starting us on the Bunny Hop! The rest of the DT will be found in the links below so link up and have a great time hopping!


  1. I'm so excited for your 1st 'Hop'! I know it will be a huge hit - so glad to be participating. You girls ROCK! :)

  2. Can't wait to see what everyone contributes! Happy hopping!

  3. It will be so fun to see all that projects created. Thanks for allowing us to participate in this HOP!

  4. I've been waiting all week for this hop to start. yippee.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm pretty excited, this will be my first challenge! Can't wait to see them all!

  7. It's been fun to play along - can't wait to see what everyone else has made!

  8. Thank you for hosting the hop! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's creations!

  9. Thanks for the Hop! I just jumped in with my project!

  10. Thanks for the Hop H2H! Love seeing all the artwork as usual.

  11. I love bunnies, so this HOP is perfect! Thanks for hosting. :)

  12. i was actually able to join. this is awesome. thanks for doing this hop

  13. Posted my bunny hop card :) Thanks for the chance to play.... :)

  14. I added a second post with Easter bunny stamps. I originally posted it last week and then found out about this hop. Hope it's OK I added more than one link.
    PS there are two more posts from the same week with similar cards. Clicking on my Home button at the bottom of the page will bring all of them up -I hope, if you'd like to check them out.

  15. I had a great time playing along and it helped me get into the groove for making some more Easter Projects!!


    Beautiful work everyone!

  16. And I would love for everyone to "follow me" and I will follow you!! lol ;-)

  17. Thank you H2H for hosting the HOP! I am amazed by the turn out. It's a huge dose of creative inspiration all in one post, wow!

  18. Whew, I made the deadline by the skin of my teeth! And I'm lucky number 50, what I like nice round numbers!

  19. I'm sooo deeply appreciative to get my project in the Bunny Hop just to have fun! I purchased my little frame at a garage sale so with some "Sophia" and my love of ribbon away I went. I absolutely adore the projects posted and find this Bunny Hop a Blast! Thank YOU! My photos were experiencing technical difficulties on upload initially.

  20. I'm so bummed...no place to add my link :( Did it get too full and cut off? Check my blog if you want. I was so excited to play, too...

  21. ***OH WOW!***

    I am so impressed by everyone's blog hop entries! You all deserve a big hug for hopping along with us!!

    Good to see some new faces join us this week! Welcome to the H2H challenge blog, and I would love to see more of your talents in future challenges!

    Happy Easter Everyone!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!