

Friday, August 6, 2010

This week's Friday Five

First off I have to say, that while the color challenge from July 26 was definitely challenging, you all put on your creative thinking caps and made some awesome works of art! Way to go! So once again, it was tough narrowing it down to the top 5 but in the end, here is the Friday Five selections:

Fabulous creations! If you want to see the entire project, just click on the photo to visit each creator's blog.

Belinda - I don't seem to have your email address but I think you have a badge already so email me if you need me to resend it. mbryt1@bex.net

Congratulations to our top five! Now it's your turn! Create an awesome tag for this week's challenge and link it up here before Sunday night at 10 pm EST and you could be in our next Friday Five!

See you on Monday with another new challenge!


  1. Congratulations to the Top Five! Super artwork and amazing abilities...well done!

  2. Wow! I feel so blessed to be among all these amazing creations that were chosen for this week's top 5. Thank you so much for the honor!

  3. Yay! I am so excited & honored to be among such great creations. Thanks for making my day :)

  4. Thank you so much! I almost didn't get my project finished in time, and I am thrilled! The artwork for this color challenge was amazing. I'm glad I don't have to choose!


Thank you for checking out our weekly challenge and leaving us some love!